Opening Pedal Plastic Container Pen Holder
P. Code : KTU-1760
Please ask proposal.
Quantity | Unit Price |
- Plastic Dustbin Penholder,
- Cover and Wheel.
- Penholder Prices Print Not included.
Perhaps the only product indispensable on your office desk or on your home desk is a pencil case. We give them the best place so that we can have our pens ready at hand, and when we want to take notes, we can reach them immediately. The Pencil Case, which resembles a garbage bucket with its colorful and vibrant appearance, is produced for multi-purpose. You can put your pens, stationery or items of your choice into it and keep it. Produced in a multi-purpose container format rather than a pencil case, our pencil holder will display a stylish appearance on your desktop.