PVC bussiness cards
One of the factors that will express you best in your business and working life is no shame cards. Business cards have increased its diversity today and business cards of all sizes have been produced. If you want to introduce yourself well in your industry, we can guess that you will not prefer simple and simple (old style) business cards. While this is the case, it is inevitable that our graphic designers will produce business card designs that push the states and force the boundaries!
Transparent business card samples are usually produced with a plastic material called PVC. It is an important advantage that it is more resistant to paper cards compared to business cards. Even if it is a bit more expensive than simple business cards in terms of price, it is essential that it is durable and not to tear and stay longer! PVC cards UV screenigraphy is used, what is in screening print? We seem to hear what you say, serigraf printing, printing technique, the film, the mold of the elimination of elements such as a digitally taken photo or a picture scanned picture with the help of computer text, graphics, drawing and so on. It is the work of printing directly on printing materials with digital printing machines after preparing images such as. The prints are made to give remarkable features and different effects to the print. Serigraf printing has an important place in the printing market. Serigraphy printing can be applied to all kinds of materials and surfaces. At the same time, printing on materials such as metal, ceramic, fabric and glass that the printing press cannot print is made with serigraphy.